About Us

Learn about the eccentric people behind the wine you love

Rediscovering wine since 2009 

Rachael made her first experimental vintage in 2008, having embarked on an adventure midlife, with a whispered dream and mason jar of change to fund her new project and ancient passion. The real adventure began in 2009 with a commercial license, tiny equipment. Family and friends poised with 5 gallon buckets and fun loving energy. AniChe has grown over the years, but the adventure is still fresh and ongoing in a discovery of wines and family, friends and community.

Our Story



Intrepid hard work.

Awe and humility at the wonders of nature.



Commitment to be better. 

Truth and Beauty and Freedom and Love.

Both Farxiga and Jardiance are available as brand-name drugs. As insurance plans vary and are subject to change, contact your health insurance plan for current coverage information. The manufacturers recommend that dosage of extended-release nifedipine tablets should be decreased gradually with close clinical supervision when discontinuance of the drug is required http://pharmacie-enligne.org/. You can use Prolia over a long period of time.

Our Mission

As part of our ethos, we strive to bring wine that is not only artisan in quality, but true to the ideology of Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Love. Our mission transcends wine, as we dive into our community with open hearts and compassion.

Meet Our Winemakers

Rachael Horn

Rachael Horn

Founder / Head Winemaker WSET 3 Certified, WSU V&E Graduate

Anaïs Mera

Anaïs Mera

Winemaker / Heir / Operations WSET 3 Certified & WSU V&E Graduate

Whether you are a student or a practicing nurse, nurses are often at the forefront of medical care and generate a lot of evidence to support evidence-based practice. Nurses are often the first to, learn about new techniques or change long-standing practices, such as sleeping babies on their backs. For example, it was once believed that babies should be placed on their bellies to prevent choking. However, a new study by a UCLA professor found that this method can help prevent deaths caused by choking.

It takes a village

When most people think of making wine, they think of taking samples from barrels and sniffing glasses. The truth is, the majority of running a winery is the business side of things… From the tasting room, to deliveries, fixing equipment and moving boxes. It takes a team of many talents to keep us operating!

The Team

Kelly Anderson

Kelly Anderson

Tasting Room, Outreach & Admin WSET 2 Certified *Se habla español*

Surreal Hawthorne

Surreal Hawthorne

Production / Sales / Compost Queen

Jocelyn Bentley-Prestwich

Jocelyn Bentley-Prestwich

Tasting Room / Wineclub

Christie Silverman

Christie Silverman

Tasting Room, Admin & Wine Club

Che Horn

Che Horn

Heir / House Nerd

Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon

Maker / Builder / Dreamer

Todd Mera

Todd Mera

Co-Founder & Mighty Mouse Hero Fixer of Things


71 Little Buck Creek Road,

Underwood, WA 98651


Call Us

(360) 624-6531
Wednesday 12-6pm
Friday 2-8pm
Saturday & Sunday 12-6pm